Engineering study for a district heating grid

Location: Penrith, UK

n order to limit energy supply costs, as well as to meet CO2 emission reduction targets, the commune of Penrith in the north of England is studying the use of heat rejection from a chemical plant. Ongoing project.

Corporate mandate :

  • Basic engineering studies with a specific report to the head office

  • Basic engineering studies with a specific report to the district energy network

  • Economic profitability studies

  • Performance studies

  • Establishing a budget

  • Establishment of a schedule

  • Establishment of a report with recommendations to improve energy efficiency.

  • Advice to the client for the award of the supply of the material and the subcontractors

  • Price control for the supply of materials

  • Control of execution and planning

  • Quality control

  • Training teams abroad to create added value in the long term


Replacement of a CHP generation biogas unit